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  • Writer's pictureSabrina Irvine

My Role in the EDTC Community

As the semester ends, I would like to spend a few moments exploring how I feel I have contributed to the learning of others through this spring semester. When it comes to technology, I often feel a slight bit of imposter syndrome, like I do not have enough knowledge to be able to influence my peers' learning. I have likely taken two computer science classes in my six years of post-secondary education, initially making me leery about sharing resources or insights with my peers. I caught myself feeling a bit nervous and anxious about sharing or commenting. Still, to my surprise and relief, there were many people in this course who were feeling the same way, and I felt a connection in knowing we were all learning together. Throughout the semester, I have learned a great deal from my peers, and I believe I have also made a significant contribution to the learning experience of others in this course.

To best organize my contributions to the learning of others, I have organized my documentation into a few separate PDF files highlighting places in which I feel I have made my mark in this course. The first area I would like to highlight is my contribution through comments on my peer's blog posts. I worked hard to ensure I could read various my peer's blogs and make meaningful comments regarding the content in their posts. I found myself getting very engaged in a couple of my peer's learning projects and was excited to return and see what they had done the following week. I have linked each comment back to the original blog post for reference (click link below).

The second area I would like to highlight as evidence of my contribution to the learning of others is my role in our discord community. I was intimidated every time I shared a resource on this community, but the things I chose to share were always met with encouraging gratitude. This experience has really encouraged me to step outside my box and be confident in the things I have to offer.

The resources I have found and the knowledge I have could be beneficial to someone in the class, and if I choose to hide nervously and avoid sharing for fear of judgment, I may just miss out on sharing a resource that could really benefit even just one of my peers (click link below).


The evidence provided in both the blog comments and the Discord interactions highlights my contributions to the learning of others in my EDTC class. I feel I have been a valuable member of our class community, and I feel the things I have shared have been insightful and helpful for my classmates. I am walking away from this course with less of an imposter syndrome when it comes to sharing and networking in the online community. I think networking in this course has really encouraged me to see the benefits and opportunities that come with sharing and collaborating online.

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