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  • Writer's pictureSabrina Irvine

Vampirology & The Art of Clowning

This week, I decided to try an online digital course for my learning project. Digital courses have exploded online as everyone tries to earn a quick buck through a digital side hustle from home. Some digital courses charge an upfront fee to enroll; others earn commission through affiliate links throughout the course material. You can find a digital course in ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING. As pure research for this blog, I set out to see if I could find the most ridiculous digital courses available, and as usual, the internet did not disappoint.


My top picks for the ten most ridiculous digital courses you can enroll in


For the low price of $50.51 (yes that is a strange price...I know), you can become an expert in all things concerning the world of vampires. Or maybe you have $695.00 to spare and you can't possibly think of anything better to do than receive your mermaid certification. I want to ask how we got to this point in online education, but it takes all kinds of people to make the world go round. All jokes aside, there are some valuable online digital courses out there, particularly courses created for educators.

I decided to see what was in the online digital course world to enhance my learning around calligraphy and/or hand-lettering. I stumbled upon a website called Lovely Loops, the creators Jillian and Jordan are twins but have very unique styles of calligraphy and hand lettering. On their website you will find multiple course options to choose from, I selected the faux calligraphy  course and hit the ground running. Here are the pro’s and con’s of this course so far:


·         Lots of great tutorials throughout

·         Free to enroll.

·         Very user-friendly interface for the course

·         Breaks down the strokes and letter shapes in a way that makes sense



·         The number of affiliate links and advertisements was a bit overwhelming. I guess that’s the price you pay for a “free” digital course.

·         If you want to access all the worksheets they reference in the videos you need to pay $17.00 to access the digital download (there is currently a coupon code embedded in the course for 25% off)

I am slowly but surely making progress on my calligraphy skills. Comment on this learning post and I'll attempt your name for my next blog post (make sure you come back to check it out).

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May 31

Calligraphy!!! So cool! What a great Idea. Not going to lie, as a teacher this is a phenomanal skill to have. Whether its writing on the board or making your own posters. Definitley worth it. I wonder if you would ever be able to teach you students these skills too? IF you teach middle years they would love it.

Sabrina Irvine
Sabrina Irvine
Jun 20
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Ya I was actually thinking it would be a pretty neat arts education lesson to teach hand lettering or calligraphy to my future students.


May 30

Hey Sabrina!

I really like this as a learning project, it will defintely give you a unique skill! It really is crazy all the courses out there and how you can truly learn anything at a cost. Your resource you used definitelly seems like a good one and allowed you to come out with a good product! I wonder how exploring with different tools such as pens,markers, ect would make a difference? Good luck with this project I am excited to follow along with your progress!

Sabrina Irvine
Sabrina Irvine
Jun 20
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Yes you truly can learn absolutely anything online through these ridiculous online courses (it's pretty insane). I have explored a few different tools along the way and its pretty neat to see the difference it makes using different tools.

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